
I know I already talked about expectations and how when they don't line up with reality it can really be annoying. I expected to have a LAN party this weekend, but people from 3 states ended up with other things they had to or would rather do. While I don't blame them at all, it is kind of sad. It feels like the shifting of an era. Where once I could make a call to a few friends and spontaniously go see a movie, now we have to plan ahead, coordinate schedules, etc. School and work seem to hold a higher place of prominence, demanding more time and attention than they did before, with a result of less time spent with family and friends.

I'm guilty of this too, sadly. As little life as I have, I still find things to do and make plans relating to work or school that I wish I could break later in preference of hanging out with friends, but then I'm not being "responsible" and "grown up" and "dependable," these things that society has drilled into me as the core values of a good upstanding citizen and adult. I question these underlying assumptions. Is it really better to keep commitments you don't want to keep? To be consistant rather than spontanious? Is it right for work and school to think themselves so high and mighty that they can demand and expect that of us? More to come soon.
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